
Presentation of the III. geoEuskadi Kongresua & XV edition of the JIIDE 2024

This year, through the CODIIGE, the Iberian Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructures (JIIDE) and the 3rd geoEuskadi Kongresua Congress are being held jointly to take advantage of, boost and promote activities related to geographic information in all sectors, both issues related to the publication or standardised accessibility of geographic data and those associated with the production, processing and exploitation thereof.

The JIIDE is the result of the collaboration of the Direção-Geral do Território de Portugal, the National Geographic Institute of Spain through the National Center for Geographic Information and the Government of Andorra. On the other hand, the geoEuskadi Kongresua is the responsibility of the Lurralde Plangintzaren eta Hiri Agendaren Zuzendaritza Eusko Jaurlaritza/Directorate of Territorial Planning and Urban Agenda of the Basque Government. This year, all these organizations are joining forces to cooperate and contribute to an event to be held concurrently, aiming to attract and bring together leading experts, technicians, and specialists from various sectors of geographic information in government, businesses, and universities.

This joint event will focus on issues related to new technological trends for data accessibility and re-use and current techniques for Earth observation and representation.

The theme chosen for this occasion is:

"The value of geospatial data"

Digital geospatial data represent an important factor for economic growth, competitiveness, innovation, job creation and social progress. For all these reasons, one of the main points of view proposed at this event is the use of new technologies such as Big Data or Artificial Intelligence to obtain ideas and be able to make better business decisions or create systems that can perform tasks that normally require human interaction.

On the other hand, the joint efforts for the co-production and harmonisation of data between different administrations and organisations continue to be another of the basic pillars for the availability of valuable geospatial data, aimed at becoming true reference information. We are in a moment of renewal caused by the evaluation being carried out of the INSPIRE Directive, the updating of the standards on environmental spatial data and access to environmental information (GreenData4All) and the regulations on open data provisions or data governance that will produce a modernisation and readjustment for the publication and reuse of geospatial data.

It is highlighted that geospatial data classified as High Value Datasets are part of the "open data" movement, which aims to promote the sharing of the vast information collected, produced and maintained by the Public Administration whose reuse of this data benefits various groups and sectors of society and contributes to the economic development associated with the digital transformation where, for example, the processing and integration of data such as statistical, environmental, tourism, etc. allow to create added value.

This event will also showcase examples of the reuse of high-value datasets, whether through OGC APIs or current download services and interoperable formats.

The union of these events will represent a privileged space for the promotion and reflection of geographic information and a showcase for the most innovative and novel projects in the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the exchange of experiences through technical workshops that aim to share knowledge on specific topics and round tables that aim to promote debate.

This year the JIIDE together with the geoEuskadi Kongresua Congress will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz from 13 to 15 November and, as every year, participation is free, being necessary to register in advance in each of the sessions, round tables or workshops. It will also be possible to follow the conference in virtual mode.


Gobierno Vasco
Govern d'Andorra
DG de Territorio Portugal
Ministerio de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible